Classify documents and extract text with


Classify, cluster, and ask questions about your documents to save time and resources.

Save hours of manual work and get to insights faster

All you need to get started is data, and within minutes, you can start classifying, clustering, and querying documents.

Graft for clustering

Intelligent content grouping

Group documents or articles based on their content, simplifying information retrieval, and aiding in knowledge management.

Semantic Search

Don't just search - extract and analyze

Automatically read, understand, and analyze business documents to find information using natural language and receive accurate responses.

Graft for semantic search
Graft for question and answer

Ask questions about your documents and get trustworthy answers

Ask your documents, PDFs, and text files questions to find the answers you want in seconds.



Quickly distills lengthy documents and reports into easy-to-digest summaries.

summarize education docs at scale

Why choose Graft?


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Guide to Workplace Search: How to Find Anything Across Your Company

This guide highlights the key benefits and practical applications of implementing a powerful workplace search solution for your team.

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The Hallmarks of Modern AI

Let's situate recent advances in AI within a broader context, a context that also allows us to look ahead toward the coming rise of what we call Modern AI.

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the era of modern ai
Unify Knowledge

Centralized information and expertise for quick access and discovery.

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Quick Setup

No code; no AI expertise; and no infrastructure setup required.

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Tailor to Your Needs

We partner closely with your team to ensure your success.

Equip your teams with intelligence

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Immediate productivity gains
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Save 2-3 hours/week/employee
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Reduce costs